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Research Information

Our Research Supplier Product Show Schedule will take us across the nation bringing several vendors to your campus to highlight their latest products and services. 

We understand the need for your lab to be on the forefront of new technologies and vendors will be available to answer questions and introduce you to cutting edge tools to make your research more efficient.

All Principle Investigators, Post-Doc's, Graduate Students, Research Associates, and Purchasing Staff are invited and encouraged to attend.

There will be a free catered luncheon, great gifts, and a world of new products and innovations for you to discover. Pre-Registration is not necessary.

We look forward to seeing you on your campus soon!

Your Gateway to Research Supplier Product Shows Across the United States

Compare LSE to any other scientific vendor show company. We are the leader in the industry offering the best value for your sales and marketing dollars with no extra or hidden costs. LSE offers more than 60 locations nationwide. Join us and experience the difference yourself!